Wearing protective masks in shops and points of sale during a COVID-19 epidemic

Franc Pozderec, Žiga Božjak


The purpose of the article is to review the work of security guards in shops and stores during the epidemic, in particular from the point of view of taking action against persons who did not comply with the mandatory wearing of masks indoors, and to point to the changes needed to ensure more professional and effective work in the future.


In the theoretical part, a descriptive method and an analysis of expert literature of legal acts in the field of private security and education were used to present the current regulation in the Republic of Slovenia. We analysed the decrees of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia which regulated the wearing of protective masks and other protective equipment, and explained the decision of the Constitutional Court on the constitutional compatibility of the analysed decrees. In the empirical part, we conducted a survey of security guards who performed private security duties in shops and stores during the covid-19 epidemic.


During the epidemic, security guards and women were exposed to a number of conflicts and unpleasant incidents due to taking action in case of not wearing masks in confined spaces. As a result of the difficult situation, as many as a third had considered leaving the private security sector. Although they felt that they had sufficient competence to communicate in such situations, we estimate that they could be even more qualified for it.

Research Limitations / Implications:

We focused on determining the consequences of the epidemic on security guards who at that time were performing their work in shops and stores.

Practical Implications:

The findings of the paper will be used to take measures that would limit the consequences in future cases similar to the epidemic.


The paper deals with the emergency preparedness of private security staff, which needs more attention than ever before.

UDC: 351.746.2:616-036.22

Keywords: private security, wearing masks, the COVID-19 epidemic, measures and other means, decrees of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia

Full article (in Slovene)